Portland – Original-Portland-World-of-Speed
Welcome to the original Portland Cars and Coffee event! We have been meeting since 2008 to share in our love of cars, caffeine, and conversation. This event is open to anyone interested in cars.
ANNOUNCEMENT: We are very happy to announce Portland Cars and Coffee is back! Our new home is at World of Speed USA. We know you have a ton of questions, so click the link and head to our website for all the details you could ask for. Can’t wait to see you all on May 16.
Click here for the full details! See you on May 16th!
“[The] goal for Cars & Coffee is to bring clubs, friends, family, enthusiasts, customers, etc together in a neutral territory…where they can enjoy cars they are passionate about, meet friends they’ve known for years, make new friends, and have fun in an environment that is not motivated by any dealership. …it’s not a competition and everyone is welcome at Cars & Coffee.” – founder Kevin.
Follow the conversation over on Facebook here:
The Return of Portland Cars and Coffee
It’s been a long time coming, but we are very happy to announce that Portland Cars and Coffee is moving to the World of Speed museum in Wilsonville!
We know you have lots of questions and we’ll do our best to answer them below.
Why World of Speed?
Yes, World of Speed is in Wilsonville. We know many of you are about say, “Man, that’s so far!” No, it’s not that far. The facts are, from our previous location’s parking lot in Tigard to the World of Speed parking lot it is 6.6 miles, and it takes about 8 minutes to drive. Portland Cars and Coffee started in Jantzen Beach, immediately moved to Bridgeport for two years, and then most recently was in Tigard for four years. It’s not as far as you think.
Why World of Speed? It’s awesome. But, beyond that completely unsubstantiated reason, it has the space we were looking for (we don’t really want to be managing a 500-700 car show every weekend), and it’s a much better set up for us as we won’t have to park around buildings and businesses.
Oh, there will be coffee!
Inside World of Speed’s atrium, we’ll have access to bathrooms, chairs, tables, and a small coffee stand catered by Elephants Deli. During gorgeous weekends we plan to have coffee trucks on site to help make sure there’s enough coffee to keep everyone awake. We’ll have more room inside than we had at Starbucks in the winter, and there are picnic tables outside the front of World of Speed for those that want to just sit and take it all in when the weather’s nice.
One of the issues with our previous location was parking. We now have approximately 300+ spots, plus street parking.
World of Speed has two parking lots that we will use: the main lot for the building (Lot 1), and a secondary lot (Lot 2) immediately next to it (behind the church next door accessed via an alleyway between the two lots). Further, most weekends we will be allowed to use the entire loading dock as well, so we’ll have cars fan out around that area. The only spots we will not be using are the back two rows behind World of Speed. Those will be for World of Speed employees and customers, since the museum opens at 10 am and we don’t technically end until 11. Please do NOT park in the back two rows behind World of Speed (see red on map).
We will first fill the main lot (Lot 1—see parking map), then open the secondary lot (Lot 2). The city of Wilsonville does allow street parking. So, if the lots are full, park on the street. Ground Control will let you know if the lot is full when you pull in. Please remember that Ground Control will just be providing the facts if they inform you the lots are full, so do not get angry at them. Our agreement does NOT include parking in the alley way, church parking lot or surrounding business parks, so please remember to use the street when Lots 1 & 2 are full.
Exotics / Featured Parking area
One benefit of World of Speed layout is the opportunity to showcase exotic and unique vehicles that originally were the centerpiece of the gathering. The parking spots in front of World of Speed Lot 1 will be exotics only—see map. This is probably only about 22 spots. What qualifies a car to park in this spot? This is a grey area and one we will adjust to fit the mix and demand of the event. The reality is this: If you have to ask if a car is exotic, it probably isn’t. The final decision will be made by the Ground Control staff member working the front gate (or Mark Scholz and Joel Feder).
We will have police presence. Keep it in control. Please don’t rev your engines, drop your clutch, slide out of the parking lot, burnout, or show everyone how awesome your driving skills are. World of Speed is on private property and people will be asked to leave and not return if they can’t be respectful. The same goes if anyone does anything stupid or dangerous.
Important: World of Speed parking lots are gated and will not open for parking until 8 am. Please don’t come early, and if you do arrive early, please lineup on the west side of the street until gates open. The people you will see in the lot before 8 am are Ground Control Staff.
We look forward to seeing everyone at World of Speed for our relaunch on Saturday, May 16.
Mark, Joel, and Ground Control